12 February 2007

the history of religion in 90 seconds

A website called Maps of War has prepared a great 90 second overview of the start and spread of the world's major religions. It's interesting to see how the Bible's events fit-in with what else was happening around the world. And, in-light of today's "Christian" West and Muslim East conflict, this provides some perspective. This is a great investment of 90 seconds to comprehend 5,000 years of history! To view in full-screen, click here to go to the site.


Anonymous said...

How cool!! It's funny how some of the most densely populated areas have the least dominance of Christianity.

Anonymous said...

How come all the "Big" coverage religions get "boy" colors and the one with the smallest land coverage gets a "girl" color?

etoc said...

So, are you saying Judaism is for chicks!? Mazel Tov you shikse! (look it up)