29 September 2006

JOYful Journey & the 80+ Birthday Party

Yesterday JOYful Journey, WCC's Senior ministry, held their annual 80+ Birthday Party. This event gets all of our church family members who have celebrated some birthday past # 80 in the last year together for a celebration meal and program. This year we had about fifty. For some, this a rare chance to make it to church and see long-time friends. More importantly, some of them may rarely feel valued and loved. This is always a great event, but is even better when no ambulances get called!

Betty Morgan was the emcee. Gary Johnson, Chairman of the Elder Board, led the singing. Joy Smith, the President of the Waterford Historical Society spoke about the community's history and showed photos from the turn-of-century. She confessed to being a little intimidated--some of these people had lived the history and been in the buildings she had only secondhand knowledge of! Nonetheless, she did a great job. I showed-up and showed-off Aryssa (amazing how much red hair attracts attention) along with Cami and Aya. They also humored me by letting me serve the meat and make a few remarks about remembering (scroll down).

The JOYful Journey committee was present and engaged: Dana Reamer, Nancy McKay, Lori Bowes, Glenda Haggerty, Jean Shook (Barb Marceau was at her "real" job). Additional help was provided by Jim Reamer, Brad McKay, Dorothy Lloyd, Doris Brock, Doug Lee, Wilbur & Linda Jordan, Carol Thomas, Janice Ortiz, JoEllen Lockwood, and Hazel Jackson (If I forgot anybody, please forgive me for my "small-brainedness!"). All I can say is "Whoo-Whoo JOYful Journey!" If you're interested in getting involved with them, contact the church office and we'll put you in-touch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You like snowboarding and The Normals? Chris, I learn more about you all the time. Now I'm coming over to steal your cd collection.