On Friday, Montgomery & Sons Restoration Company went to town on this place with 30 very professional and friendly people doing amazing work. By the end of the day, most of the replacement glass had already been installed--amazing! Meanwhile, we fielded tons of phone calls expressing concern, offering help from individuals, businesses, and churches, as well as making calls ourselves to coordinate restoration efforts. The news reporters and camera crews really kept us hopping. We appreciated their coverage. Once that hit the airwaves (noon, evening, and night news) the website (www.waterfordwired.org) was also innundated with 400 hits. This blog got about 300.
Saturday morning, the restoration people were back in full-force. Joining them were approximately 130 volunters from our church, other area churches (special thanks goes to the men's group from Clarkston Community Church and their Pastor Dan Whiting, as well as the Brethren Church here in Waterford), the neighborhood, and friends (Mark Ballard and Shawn (Shellnut) Spry were alums from Southfield Christian that showed-up--THANK YOU!). We dispatched teams to rooms hoping to cover 10 key areas that would make the facility functional enough for Sunday. We had so many hard-working people that we were able to wipe-down virtually the whole building.
We started at 8:30 am. At 10, I raced over to Community Prebyterian Church to conduct a funeral for Sherrie Lee Carlton--a 25 year attender at WCC who has been homebound and suffering with COPD/severe emphysema for years. She was a beautiful loving woman who left her own words for me to share--a true privilege. Her husband Fred is a prince of a guy--nicest guy you'd ever want to meet. Our prayers go out to them, and the rest of their family throughout these coming weeks. Not only was the church nice enough to let us use their santuary for the service, but they let our team use their kitchen for the meal afterwards too. They had five or six of their members there to help cook and serve! After a graveside interment at White Chapel Cemetary, I headed back to the clean-up effort winding down. The place looked and smelled great! Only two rooms were out of commission--rooms we could work around.
Throughout the end of the week, I kept thinking how awesome it would be if we could have this kind of connectedness as believers, this kind of coordination working together for a common purpose, this kind of freely expressed care and concern for others in our communities on the normal days where there is no crisis to galvanize us to action. I'm still thinking about that. It felt like the kingdom of God kept making itself known in powerful and creative ways. I'd love to have that sense more often!
On Sunday, 387 of us gathered--many in the building for the first time since all of this happened. We studied Luke 9:18-50 as had been planned, as the passage speaks about what the core identity and destiny of a disciple of Jesus is: to follow, to take up your cross daily, and to deny yourself. It seemed appropriate. Then, we spent some time talking about what had happened--the bad, and the even greater good--while we showed before and after photos. You can listen-in if you like at this link that takes you to the church website (link will be active once message is posted). We're compiling a photo album that I'll post a link for when it's completed.
While work will go on this week, and the focus will shift to working with our insurance company on ruined or damaged contents, our church wasn't hurt this week, only a building was. If anything, our church was strengthened and improved--"an Extreme Church Makeover" as Kellie Rittenhouse termed it-- as we came together in unity, had our faith deepened out of necessity and our character made more Christlike in the process. Through all of this, we are grateful to our God who didn't let it be any worse, and who led us through the worst. Thank you so very much to all of you who were a part of helping Him do just that. May He get all the credit, even as we give you our thanks.
It's awesome to hear how God has used this sensless act to bring your church and community together!
Hope it does something just as significant in the lives of the guys responsible for the damage.
Well, I was going to comment but the organized chaos that commented before me really said it all. I was just wondering what had happened.
I will be praying for the individuals who did this. Meth is a hard drug to kick with an 80 percent return. But with God's grace, saving faith, and forgiveness that only comes from God that motivates one to a life of obedience...well, I know firsthand that it's possible. I'm hitting my 3yr clean and sober mark this year.
Sounds like God used this to bring His church together under crisis and bring glory to Himself.
Spreading the love of Jesus Christ one opportunity at a time.
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